Sunday, November 11, 2012

Shu-feng's Baptism - Complete with Pictures

Shu-feng’s baptism was wonderful.  I was saying to Sister Jarvis that this is the first baptism I have had with absolutely no glitches.  No water being let out of the font.  No one stuck in traffic.  No last minute second interviews.  It was super stress free! 

Shu-feng was so touched by the spirit.  Her mom and her sister came, and as she was sharing her testimony, she was just overcome with feelings of love towards them.  I think it is one of those special moments when the spirit speaks to you by helping you feel the most tremendous love for your family members.  I have had experiences like that before, and they are very powerful.  

She did have to get baptized twice because her foot popped up.  We had told her to relax her body because it is easier to go under if you aren't stiff.  She said she was so relaxed she didn't notice her foot come up.   

It was really special as well because her cousin was able to baptize her.  I don't know if you remember but Shu-feng's aunt and her three children are member of the church. The aunt has for years tried to share the gospel with her family but to no avail.  She saw Shu-feng at stake conference a few weeks back and was shocked and extremely excited that her niece was studying the gospel.  She spoke at Shu-feng’s baptism, and her son baptized Shu-fengIt was such a cool experience because this sister's many years of prayers were answered.  I know that through Shu-feng's good example she will just be the first of many other family members to be baptized. 

We started off the week with a really cool miracle as we were rushing to an appointment.  I saw this lady walking through the park right in front of us, and I felt like we should talk to her. But then she walked away, and we were in a rush. (Not following a prompting immediately regardless of the circumstance is not a good idea.)  Anyway, we prayed before heading into the lesson, and when we finished she was back.  The spirit again was like, "Go!'  So we followed her through the park trying as hard as we could not to look creepy.  We got to a point where I could casually talk to her.  She was a member of another church and really didn't have interest, but just as I started talking to her, this man passed by Sister Jarvis and asked if we had an English class.  She said that we did.  Come to find out he is a former investigator, and he said that he really wanted to find someone who could help him read the Book of Mormon because he has one but he just can't understand it.  Then to make matters even better he said his family were all studying before and also want to read the Book of Mormon.  We set up an appointment.  We will see where it goes but the Lord truly is aware of where His children are.  I feel bad that He had to tell me twice.   

We also had a huge blessing on Sunday.  After a lesson, we saw this guy sitting outside on a street. I had the impression to talk to him, and so I started to do so. As I did, my companion starts talking to this family who had pulled up on their scooter.  They were a really cool family and super willing to meet.  It was such a cool miracle.  I feel like Heavenly Father keeps prompting me to talk to people who aren't interested so that my companion can be in the right position and the right time to start talking to someone else who needs to hear the gospel.  I am happy to be the decoy!

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