Sunday, November 4, 2012

Feathered Chicken Nuggets and Biting Pigs

Backstreet Boys? Yes!

After our branch missionary (BM) leader meeting at the church our BM leader surprised us with a nice little treat.  Baby duck eggs!  I think I told you guys this before, but they let the duck eggs progress until they are pretty well developed.  Then they kill it and sell them.  Then they deep fried it so it kind of looked like a giant chicken nugget.  Like the size of a lacrosse ball.  Well, we ate those.  After taking a bite, if you looked in you could see the baby duck starting to form.  The best part – feathers.  The feathers were starting to form and were very visible.  It was not really crunchy, kind of soft but occasionally you would get a big crunch of well developed bone.  I ate 7.  The other American elders ate 3.  Honestly, it tasted pretty good.  It only was gross when you thought about the fact that feathers were in your stomach along with partially developed duck.  Like a big chicken nugget.  

 Rain washes away parts of the road. 

One of our new investigators said that her daughter had a fever of 41 degrees Celsius.  Which I checked and is about 106 degrees, so I think she might have been a little off.  But she prayed, and afterward, she said that her little daughter’s fever just went away. Now she really believes in prayer.  I hope she keeps on learning and keeps progressing in the gospel. 

 Rain washes away parts of the road.

I feel like I am always thinking about our investigators.  That is obviously a good thing, but sometimes it is hard when that is the only thing that you can and should think about because when they are not doing well, it is sad.  We did see a good change with the wife of a member.  We met her once last week, and it was pretty much us forcing her to meet. Then we met yesterday after church and she was totally different.  She was happier, excited and told us that now she actually wants to learn. 

 Breakfast at a local market

We did a lot of service for our branch missionary leader.  He makes some type of strange medicine that is rice kernels and then he cooks them and then puts some ingredients on them.  He then puts them in glass bottles and super cooks them at like 350 degrees.  I was sitting there putting the baked rice into glass bottles, and at random times, the super cookers a couple feet from me would let out really sharp blasts of steam.  He said not to worry, but I could just picture that whole thing exploding.  Serving him is really important though.  We need his trust and his help.  

  Church member making a mat 

One of the hardest parts is working with less active and inactive member.  It is just so sad – especially when just a while ago they were active and strong.  Sometimes it is especially hard when they used to help the missionaries a lot so they kind of know our style and our purpose, why we are there, and what we are trying to do when we sit down with them.  We try hard to help encourage them to come to church though.  

  Church member making a mat 

We visited a member who lives in kind of a rural area.  The little girl at their house told me not to go close to the huge pig because it bites boys but does not bite girls.  

 Backstreet Boys? Yes.

We had some funny experiences this week that just made us laugh.  One day both of our bikes were broken and unable to be ridden, and we wanted to go back to the member who we got them from.  So we were using them as scooters.  We pushed our way through the streets with one foot on the ground and one foot on the bike.  We got several comments and people yelling at us asking why we did not know how to ride bikes and why we couldn't ride a bike normal.  It was funny.   

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