Monday, July 16, 2012

Becoming District Leader in Sen Sok

I am sorry to say that the good investigator is no longer an investigator.  He called us and told us he had to stop because he could not follow Jesus Christ.  I know it is his family that is stopping him which really stinks.  I'm not going to lie I am confused because I received personal revelation and guidance, and as a result, I found him.  I think I told you that before I contacted him after we had lost several investigators, and I really prayed to find out where we should go the next day.  I felt very strongly that I had to go to a certain area, and as I was praying, I had one road that I had seen but never contacted people on come into my head. Again and again, it came to my mind with the same picture, the same place.  I knew I had to go there, and I knew we would find someone that day.  That is why it is so sad to lose him.  I honestly believe that someday he will be a member.  I pray and believe that we prepared him for the future.  He told us that he felt different when he started to learn.  He said he felt different in a way "that I cannot describe."  The Holy Ghost testified to him, and I believe someday he will join the church.

We were also able to serve some of our investigators this week – the same service as last time. We went and cut down sticks and wood for them so they can make a fire to cook their food and sell the wood others.  It was a really cloudy day, so it wasn't too hard. It was definitely a fun way to help them.  

Dinner anyone?

Well, I am in Sen Sok for another transfer.  Quite honestly, I thought I was leaving; pretty much everyone thought I was leaving.  But I got the call, and Elder Hem and I are together.  Also, they called me to be a district (a geographic grouping of missionaries) leader.  I have mixed feelings about that.  First off, I am excited because it is a new challenge, and I think it will be fun to go on exchanges with other missionaries and go into some other areas.  I am also a little nervous to teach district meetings.  The district leader teaches a lesson every week at district meeting.  I have some good ideas to make it not just a lecture, but where we discuss ideas and learn new ideas.  Quite honestly, the hardest thing is the fact that Elder Hem and I are together.  Before, Elder Hem was the senior companion.  And while we pretty much shared the responsibility, he was still technically the leader. I think it will be fine, but I am just afraid it will turn kind of strange.  I do not want him to feel like I am bossing him or anything, which I of course won’t do.  I am excited though.  I think it is going to be really fun, and I can definitely learn a lot.  

Nit is doing well, but at the same time, he needs to do better.  He has faith with his mouth, but now we need to see if he has faith with his actions.  He has learned everything, and he believes.  He knows how important everything is, but drinking is a part of his life, and it is hard for him to stop.  His job requires him to put together a lot of banquets and gatherings and obviously they drink a lot.  He does not have a wife.  That is one thing that he wants so badly - an eternal marriage and eternal family.  I am thankful for him, and I believe he will change.  He needs to show is faith and willing to stop drinking and to start coming to church every week.

A rat must have got into my package (from my parents) on the way here. It only got one thing though.

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