Sunday, October 9, 2011

McKenzie's Awesome Week

What an awesome week!  I have some very exciting news.  One of our investigators is getting baptized on the 8th!  Yes we have an investigator getting baptized on my birthday.  I feel so blessed and so undeserving of this tremendous gift.  She is the sweetest little old lady you will ever meet.  She has very few teeth and is really little and short, but she has the most amazing spirit.  I only came in part way through the process, but it is so easy to see how the gospel has changed this woman's life.  She has the light of Christ in her eyes, and she knows who she is.   
We have been trying to help her overcome feelings of inadequacy that she isn't good enough to keep the commandments.  Elder Uchdorf's talk on Saturday was such a blessing. It was exactly what she needed to hear.   

The other day at the end of our lesson, we were saying a prayer. I didn't understand, but my companion translated it later. Our sweet investigator told Heavenly Father how grateful she is to have met the missionaries and to have a new start with baptism.  She is just the sweetest thing.
For the last couple of days, I have just felt in awe at this blessing.  I truly don't feel deserving.  I didn't do anything; I just was able to witness the Savior’s beautiful miracle in front of me.  I wish you could all meet her.  She is so sweet and funny.  She knows a lot of English words and will help me out when I don't understand.  On Sunday we were going to sit down with her, but she told us she wanted to go to Ward choir practice.  She is so forward and comfortable with herself; she is going to be such a wonderful member because she understands that she is a daughter of God.  
We had a wonderful example this week of member missionary work in the Yuanshan ward.  One of our recent converts invited her friend to come to church with her. She came and had a wonderful experience.  We met them at the door, and the member wasted no time in introducing her friend to everyone and explaining everything. Sister Morey and I have made goals and are working towards having the majority of our investigators come from the members. This was a wonderful example, and I am so grateful for this sister listening to the promptings of the Spirit.  Her friend was so touched by church that she was crying afterwards and told us that she had had a dream about coming to our church. Then three days later her friend called and invited her.  There truly are prepared people, and I am so grateful for the members here who are listening to the promptings of the Spirit and are so bold in inviting their friends to learn more.  

On a different note, every night I lay my clothes out to dry before I put them in my laundry basket the next morning.  I feel really bad sometimes because I will hand people our contacting pad and a pen and they will touch it being totally grossed out because they are covered in sweat.  Sometimes it drips into your eyes and starts stinging.  It actually isn't that uncomfortable; it is just kind of funny how much we sweat.  Some of the elders were showing us their planners the night when we all had to carry our stuff home from zone conference and the bottom half of their planner was completely soaked through. (Check out how hot it really is here!)

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