Sunday, October 16, 2011

Birthday, Baptism, and Baibaing

Highlights from this week included our baptism on Friday.  It was such a wonderful service.  This woman is so prepared, and she is so grateful for the opportunity to change her life and have a fresh slate even though she is like 70 years old.  She is so sweet and loving and really loves the Book of Mormon.  It makes such a difference when investigators are willing to read the Book of Mormon in their conversion. At conference, it was reiterated time and time again how important reading the book of Mormon is.  Sister Morey and I sang, and a brother from the ward preformed the baptism.  Everything was sadly super last minute because we couldn't finalize anything until she had her second interview, which kept having to get pushed back. But people still came, which made me so happy! 
Funny story of the week.  We went to go visit a lady who we had met on the street with a member. We thought we were going to her house, but instead, the address took us to a Buddhist temple where she told us she needed to finish bai baing (praying and worshiping in Buddhism).  We sat there as she finished up, and then we thought we were going to her house. Instead, she actually took us to a restaurant.  We explained that we had prepared a message, and she finally sat down, and we had a lesson.  It didn't go so well.  As we were leaving, we went back to the temple where our bikes were parked, and she said she wanted to give us a cupcake.  She then went into the temple and got food off of the alter and gave it to us.  It was an interesting experience.   

Other highlight of the week was my birthday.  I got my package, and thank you so much!  We are so excited to make the cake.  Our district leader made us brownies, and we got to watch General Conference (where the Prophet, 12 Apostles, and other leaders of the Church speak to the world. To listen, watch, or read General Conference, visit  and  so that was just wonderful.  I loved conference; it so spiritually uplifting, and there is so much power in being able to talk to someone on the street and say that we have a modern day prophet and he is speaking to us today.  This church is just so true.  I can't even express how absolutely true it is. Without a doubt this is God's true church in the earth today.  When we know that, it should affect everything we do, and we don't need to be afraid because we have the Lord.    
We had some miracles in contacting this week.  Yesterday we started talking to this couple and it wasn't going super well, and the impression came to me to give them a Book of Mormon, which was don’t normally do in contacts like that.  The impression persisted, so I gave them a Book of Mormon, and the contact totally changed.  The couple set up a time to meet with the missionaries who cover their area.  It is just amazing how the Spirit works because I, in my logical mind, would not have thought that just handing these uninterested people a Book of Mormon would have made any difference. But as we know, the Lord knows better, and I was grateful that I listened to the Spirit.  It was a reminder to me to never push off impressions because I think they don't make sense.  

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