Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Funeral of a King

I do not know if this has received international coverage, but the King of Cambodia died. Things have been a little crazy here for the week.  All of the places that "make you happy" have been closed by the government.  So all the clubs and big restaurants and things like that are not allowed to be open.  Each building that is run or owned by the government has a picture of the King with flowers and a place for incense and other things.  Some places are bigger and grander than others.  We even have one in front of our church.  It was interesting as before both morning sessions all the members gathered around it and prayed for him.  I was just happy no one lighted any incense.  The people really love him though.  One member told us he had not even read the scriptures for 2 or 3 days because of how sad he was.  I shared Jacob 2:8.  Even last night apparently you could see the King’s face in the sky as you looked to the moon.  I looked and saw nothing, but as we road home there were many, many people looking up at the stars talking on their phones and taking pictures and such.  Pretty much every TV in Cambodia has coverage of the events in the city and other stuff that relates to his death.   

Phnom Sompeu
We had General Conference this week, and it was awesome!  I loved it so much.  I felt so much peace and happiness as we listened to conference and learned about the teachings from the prophet.  I really liked Elder Dallin H. Oaks’ talk about children.  I thought it was really powerful and was a great example of what we need to do to help children.  I also really like President Uchdorf’s talk on being happy in the moment and just being happy with what you have right now.  I thought the music was really good too.  I gotta give it to the Tabernacle Choir.  I never liked them before my mission.  Either they got dramatically better or my taste has just improved.  All the talks were very good, and I cannot wait to get the Liahona magazine so I can read them again.
 In the Pol Pot times they would kill the people and then throw them down into the caves.

Viraneath should be baptized this next week.  He is doing great.  He talked to his boss and told him he was done working on Sunday.  His boss was okay with it, but it will still be hard as their family does not have that much money.  I feel a lot of hope for him because his mom and dad are members, and he knows several of the members in the branch.  I am really impressed with his willingness to just pick up on the importance of commandments and then actively keep them. 

Mealea is also doing well.  I can see that she is happier, and she came to both sessions of General Conference on Sunday.  She is really growing in her testimony. Out at the market one day she was told that only poor people become Christians.  She quickly responded that it doesn’t matter if you are poor; it just matters if you have faith.  She told us she thinks the Holy Ghost helped her a lot.  Technically she could become a missionary soon because she is 19!

So, for the scorpion.  I went outside at night with Elder Chan to get his laundry and I noticed that guy sitting right outside our door.  We obviously tried to kill it.  We sprayed it with a can of Raid and it was having the desired effect.  Well, Elder Chan thought we should just let it go.  When we left he started dumping water on the scorpion to save it.  Well, the scorpion received its strength and ran away.  I was a little peeved but did not show it.  He kept saying it was meek and that it does not hurt anybody.  Cambodians are like that.  They do not like you to just kill animals and insects even if they have the potential to kill you.  

A member asked for us to go and cut grass and plants in order to clear the land for vegetables.  I was armed with a sword and went to work hacking up plants.  It was fun, but it was really tiring as well.  We then aerated the ground with what I think is called a hoe but It might have been a rake.  Either way, this is much harder than just sitting on the lawn mower and going for a ride.  

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