Friday, May 24, 2013

Adventures in Outfitting Newbies with Bikes

Viraneath's Baptism

is doing well.  We had a really good lesson with him about missionary work and his friend who is in the other branch but in the same class at school.  His friend made the point that they could both finish school with each other and then go on their missions at the same time as each other.  I set up the appointment for him to be interviewed by the Branch President to get the Aaronic Priesthood next week and it happened, which is fantastic.  He should get the Aaronic Priesthood next week, and then I am going to really get him involved in blessing the sacrament and things like that.  The only problem is that his two best friends are in the other branch.  It’s okay though; his parents are good role  models for him. 
Viraneath's Baptism

We have been able to find some new investigators this week as well.  Our area is doing pretty well.  I really love being a missionary.  I mean it.  It is the best thing for my life.   
Viraneath's Baptism
 I am doing a study on patience, because I want to have more of it.  I loved this verse this morning.  Romans 5: 3-5

3 And not only so, but we glory in
 atribulations also: knowing that btribulation worketh cpatience;

4 And patience, experience; and experience, hope:
5 And ahope maketh not ashamed; because the blove of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
A member who is 12 needed a ride back into town.

We also had transfers up here.  We have a lot of Khmae missionaries up here which is good.  No matter how hard Americans try, it is still always easier to gain the trust of members, investigators, etc when you are from their country.  I think it is really good.  I was able to get all the things done that I needed to do for the new elders. (As Zone Leader, Garrett is responsible for the wellbeing and training of a group of about 10 missionary companionships in a geogrpahical area.)  I spent about 2 hours getting bikes for them.  I was on strict command to only get the best of bikes.  We actually went to a member in the other branch’s house and asked him to help us because he fixes bikes and knows exactly what is good and what is not.  He was extremely helpful.  We would walk into a place, and he would get down and look at bikes, tap on the metal and stuff and then tell us which ones were good and which ones were not.  He made sure that we did not get swindled either.  I was really grateful for him as he spent seriously about 1 1/2 hours with us trying to help us get good quality bikes.  If one place did not have what we needed he would just take us immediately to another place.  I was really thankful for him.

Update on the crazy man.  Well, he came to church!  That was amazing, but then for some reason he left after the second hour and seemed angry.  Well, he went home and we were all worried, but apparently he was just not used to the way things go and was a little uncomfortable.  Our Relief Society president is a straight up intense and went right over to the house to figure everything out.  Everything is okay now.  We really want him to start progressing because I feel like if he gets baptized he is going to one day be a leader.  

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