Monday, June 25, 2012

Temple Trip to Taipei

We went to the temple today which was so fun.  We had to get up really early, and then I thought I lost my temple recommend so we frantically looked for it for a while and said a prayer.  Then I realized that it had been in my wallet the whole time.  We had to bike really fast to the mission office, and I arrived looking like I had just taken a shower, but I look like that most days lately.  

We started teaching this Christian woman last week who this week brought her husband to her appointment.  It was an awesome and crazy lesson.  He has a lot of questions and concerns about Christianity all of which are answered by the Plan of Salvation.  We kept having to say, “Just a second. We will answer that question.”  He wanted to know why we have trials in life, why we need to come down to earth, why can't we just go straight to the Celestial Kingdom, why we need a body if we are just going to die anyway, and what happens to those people who never hear about Jesus before they die – all of which are answered by the Plan of Salvation  It was kind of like running a marathon teaching him, but by the time we got to the end, he had all of his questions resolved except for why we can't we all just go to the Celestial Kingdom no matter what we do because we are all God's children.  I gave him 2nd Nephi 2 as a reading assignment.  Verse 13 answers that question really nicely.  He is a really cool man. I think he is kind of bitter that he doesn't' feel like he has a relationship with God like his wife and children do because he wants one.  We just kept testifying that if he wanted a relationship with God and was willing to pray and read, he would feel God's love and influence in his life.   

The gift of tongues is real.  I have found myself being able to understand so much more now that I am senior companion.  It is like the spirit has just made me able to understand what people are saying.  Truly a huge miracle!

We are having such great joy with Jiao Mei right now.  She is set to be baptized on the 16th.  After church on Sunday, she was like “Sister Gibson, I don't feel like I am ready.”   We sat down immediately with a member and just started going over the baptismal interview questions.  She answered all of them wonderfully.  We got to the end, and I was like “Jiao Mei, this is what we need to know to be ready for baptism, and if we know this things and we have a commitment to follow Christ till the end, we don't need to fear.”  The member offered a powerful testimony.  Jiao Mei still acknowledges that there are ways she needs to prepare, but we assured her that as she kept reading, praying, and seeking, she would continue to add to the already strong testimony she has.  Her continence has totally changed since we met her.  She used to just kind of look bored and sad all of the time, and now she is happy, excited, and full of joy.  She called me on Monday just to tell me that she was so happy.  The members are being really great with her too.  They took her to a FHE on Monday with no prompting from us, and they are doing a great job of taking initiative and helping her feel loved.   

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