Thursday, December 22, 2011

McKenzie's Update

The work is continuing well.  This week was great we have three awesome new investigators.  On Tuesday the Relief Society president asked us to go find these people in this remote place at the top of our area that we don't even have a map for.  We had a lot of time on Thursday so we decided to head up there.  We biked for forever into this remote area of our area that no one ever goes because it takes like two hours to get there.  We are standing on this deserted road while my companion is trying to look at this tiny map and a girl pulls up on her scooter at this intersection, so I start to talk to her and we set up an appointment.  This is our standard form of contacting in Taiwan, when we stop at stop lights we start to talk to people and then try to get them over to the side of the road and set up an appointment.  I have never had a ton of success with this method.  People will set up an appointment, but then almost 99.9% of them don't show up and don't answer your phone calls; however, we do it anyway to be diligent and because .01% of the time it works. Anyway this girl shows up to her appointment and is completely awesome.  She told us how she has always felt that there is one truth and as we showed her the book of Mormon she wanted to know if this book would help her have a happier life.  I love when people ask that question!  She started to cry as we walked out to the parking lot and talked about how she hopes so much this will help her life.  She then came to church the next day and was only able to stay for sacrament meeting because of work.  It is just so amazing because this sister doesn't even live in the area where we were that day in the middle of nowhere; she lives in the other ward but the Lord knew where we were and he knew where she was and even though it was in the most random location ever He sent us to her.   
I have felt so blessed because I was pretty stressed when Sister Morey left because I am the one who kind of has to know what is going on with everything, but I just have felt the Lord's help.  I have been able to understand things more in the language, and I am overcoming fears I had in the past where I always waited for sister Morey to take the lead and then I would happily follow.  I am learning to take the lead more which is nice because I think there is a different feeling about a senior and junior than between a trainer and a trainee.  It has given me an opportunity to be pushed, and I have felt the Lord's support where I feel confident taking the lead in the lesson more than I did in the past.  I still wish I could understand more but it is so much better than when I first got here.  The Lord truly gives missionaries the gift of tongues.

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