Sunday, December 11, 2011

McKenzie Has a New Companion

Well, there have been some changes in Gaoxiong.  Sister Morey left me. I am so sad!  We were expecting that she would be transferred though because she has been here for a really long time.  She is actually opining an area where they have never had sister missionaries before, so that is super exciting for her.  I have a new companion.  We have only been together for a little bit, but I already like her a lot.  She is super awesome and seems to be really on top of things.  I am more than a little stressed about being the one who is supposed to know the area and what is going on.  I’m especially stressed about getting from place to place.  As we all know, directions are not my forte.  Add Chinese characters and a huge area into the mix, and we have a little bit of a problem.  I am trying to remain calm and make it appear like I know what I am doing even though I really kind of feel like I have no idea.   
This week has been good, a little bit slow, but still good.  We had a cool miracle this week when we were English proselytizing.  Every week we are supposed to do an hour where we tell people about an English class we teach.  We were putting fliers in people’s mailboxes when a man came out of his house.  We started to talk to him about the church, and he politely declined saying he was Buddhist. We asked him if we could put a flier in his mailbox, and he said ok and drove off.  We went to put a flier in what we thought was his mailbox.  I was trying to figure out how to open it when I accidentally rang the doorbell.  Someone answered, which is surprising because it was the middle of the day, so I said I was Sister Gibson and that we were missionaries.  Almost immediately she said, “Ok. I will come down.”   

She came down and was just the sweetest, most wonderful lady.  We talked about God being her loving Heavenly Father and how He truly does know her. We told her that she can pray to Him.  As we were talking, she said she felt like the things that we were saying weren't coming from us.  It was amazing she was so in tune and was really feeling the Spirit.  We set up another appointment and asked her to keep praying daily until then.  She told us that she farms corn and that we would have the meeting in her corn field.  So we met her at an intersection and we followed her to her corn field.  It was very small and there was nowhere to sit so we just stood and taught her a first lesson (about the Restoration of the Gospel).  It was kind of a funny location because where I live is a pretty urban area and not a place where you would expect to see a lot of corn fields.  It was just this empty lot with corn on the side of the road.  When we met, she told us that she had prayed and cried when she prayed and that she feels this is really good.  When we told the Joseph Smith story, she said she felt really touched.  It was so wonderful, and we were so excited.  However, when we asked her to read the Book of Mormon she said she has no time and that she can't read it.  She wouldn't even take it.  It is so frustrating and sad when people feel the Spirit and acknowledge that it is good and makes them happy but aren't willing to take the actions to change.   

We had invited a person that we met on the street to church, and she came, which is another tremendous miracle.  After church, she said she felt so happy and felt it was good, but she refused to meet again saying that she has no time.  Awe man...but I guess that is life, and I guess these people don't know fully what they are saying they don't have time for. But we do, and it makes us so sad because we know it could make them so happy. 

We had a great week this week with one of our investigators, Ting.  She is someone that I met at a stop light and remarkably showed up to the appointment she set up (most of the people don't show up when they give us their information on the street).  But, she did and has been progressing a lot.  She has gotten her kids involved too, and all three of them came to church. They loved it!   

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