Sunday, April 21, 2013

Landmine Warnings and Baptisms in Battambang

Last P-day we went to Phnom Banon.  It is a 12th century temple at the top of a hill.  The stairs were huge and never ending.  It was really cool though and it was fun to ride out there.  There was a “danger, land mine” sign right off the path.  No worries, I was smart. 


Elder Chan, the new missionary I am training, is great.  He is super funny, and I seriously love to be with him.  He has been through a lot in his life.  I mean it.  He was feeling a little homesick, but now he says he is better because he is starting to know the members better.  I really love him and serving with him is great. 

The whole Zone of missionaries at Phnom Banon - except the senior couple (elderly missionaries) 

The highlight of the past week was that two of our investigators were baptized.  I will tell you about one of them. After much prayer, fasting, trying to teach by the spirit, etc, Boramy committed to baptism and was baptized on Saturday. She was then confirmed on Sunday.  She told us that initially she was very nervous, even when she went into the font she was scared, but that after she had been baptized, she was very happy and felt so much peace in her heart.  I especially liked hearing her testimony after she was baptized.  She talked about how she is grateful for the gospel and that she knows she will be happy as she follows the commandments.  I am very excited that now she and her husband are both members.  I have told both of them several times that the gospel will help their future family tremendously.  I am very excited for them and I am grateful for the opportunity to teach her.  It taught me a lot about patience.  You cannot force someone to be baptized, but I feel like we definitely followed the spirit in helping her make the right decision. 

I want to tell you the story of the man in the picture of the baptism. Well, when I first got the BB (Battambang),  I went to our Branch Mission (BM) leader’s house to introduce myself and to do some service.  While I was at his house, I met Borei.  I contacted him and committed him to learn with us and attend church.  He is actually a very good friend of our BM leader.  I do not know why our BM leader had never invited him to learn before. Maybe he was nervous or maybe he just did not think it was time.  Well, I was very excited when he came to church the next day, but less than excited when I found out he actually lives in branch 2's area and that he would need to learn with another set of elders.  Well, over the last month or so he really progressed and made it to the waters of baptism.  I interviewed him for baptism, and I was so overjoyed to see him ready to be baptized.  I felt the spirit very strong, and I feel like I was truly needed in this situation to invite Borei to come to Christ.

We had one sad moment when a potential new family that we found met with us and afterwards the mother gave us a note that we read later that told us the her husband was not happy she was learning.  He is still allowing her to learn, but he was not happy about it. He threw their only phone into the pond next to their house.  Smart move.  I had been trying to call her that whole day with no answer.  She actually came to church with her daughter though, so we will see where that goes.  

You probably think we are lame, but we think these pictures are funny. 

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