Saturday, January 7, 2012

Our Christmas Conversation with McKenzie

On the bike.

                                       Sister Smith and I in our elevator. 

We talk to people whenever we are at stop lights. This picture is of me slowly backing up when I overshoot.  I do this a lot, and we look really awkward. Sometimes the person you are talking to drives away, and then there are only people behind you. Then you have to back up!

Notes from our Christmas conversation with McKenzie
  • McKenzie said she has lost weight because she rides her bike so much and because they exercise in the mornings. She has ripped thighs.
  • On Thursday, December 22nd they had a mission wide Christmas outing, fireside, and dinner. They visited a beautiful architectural site. The pictures sent out by her Mission President are from that event. 
  • They also had a combined Christmas Eve party with the two wards that meet her in building. Mc thought that this was really special because all of the people she loves and works with were there. On Christmas day, they only had Sacrament meeting. Other than that, it was a typical day. 
  • Mc says that her language skills are improving. She feels comfortable doing almost everything, and she generally gets the gist of what people are saying. She also can typically say what she wants to say in return. Of course, she has a much easier time with church conversation than with small talk. 
  • Sister Smith, her companion, is from Highland, UT. She went to BYU, and is in her 7th transfer. Mc is in her 3rd. 
  • Mc loves everything about her mission. She said that the people are wonderful and that the wards have a lot of good members. Unfortunately, there are a lot of inactive members. Ultimately, she said that people in Taiwan are happy but immensely busy. They work and go to school for really long hours. 
  • The members are really supportive of the missionaries. 60% of their investigator lessons are taught with a member! 
  • Eating out is very much a part of the Taiwanese culture. The missionaries in her mission eat most of their lunches and dinners out. Breakfast, however, they eat in their apartment. Mc assures us that the food is delicious. Because she orders her own food for the most part, she hasn’t eaten anything too bizarre. 
  • The apartment that they live in is okay, but there are a lot of cockroaches in the bathroom and kitchen. She thinks of Garrett though and tries not to complain. 
  • For their living expenses, they are given about 4000 New Taiwan Dollars a month. 
  • Mc told us a story of a recent convert’s baptism. Mc and her companion filled the font up a little too high, so they let out a little water. There was a miscommunication and some of the ward leadership tried to help by letting out a little bit more water. They didn't put the stopper back fully. By the time the baptism was about to occur, there was only about a foot and a half of water left. The 16 year old priesthood holder who was going to perform the baptism, walked down into the font. The lady laid down in the water and was baptized.   However, due to the small amount of water, the 16 year old, after the prayer, had to push down her cloths in various areas which did not get under the surface of the water when he helped put her head and torso under.  This took some time, all while her head was under the water.  Mc said that the lady expressed how quickly it all happened, while Mc was thinking it was the longest and most bizarre looking baptism she had ever seen. 
  • Mc’s mission follows a typical mission schedule. They wake up at 6:30. On Tuesday, Thursdays, and Saturdays they go running. On other days they stay in the apartment and do sit ups, stretches, etc.  Then they get ready and study 2 ½ hours until 10:30 when they leave for the day.  They return to their apartment between 9:00 and 9:30.
  • On Pdays, Mc and her companion do their laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning, and email writing. For fun, they might go shopping or take a nap.
  • In her mission, she is only allowed to take pictures on Pdays or at baptisms. 

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