Sunday, June 9, 2013

Garrett Caught a Nasty Bug, Saw a Swarm of Bats, and Testified of Temples

 We had a great lesson with Kaliyan, our District President’s son’s fiancé. I was on exchange in my area with Elder Ann, the district leader. The night while we were planning for her discussion I felt that maybe we should share about temples and eternal marriage, but I was not really sure so we planned to teach about the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end. I felt the same thing several times the next day as we were riding. I decided to play it by ear and see what I felt when we went in there. 

Riding the bus from the city to Battambang we saw the following. Try to find the girl in the back of the truck.

Well, we got there around 6:15ish, and she was definitely not her usual self. Her fiancé was normal and happy, but when she talked to us and looked at us I could see that she was sad and had tears in her eyes. Well, she shared a verse that she liked about the love of God in 1 Nephi. I decided to go ahead and tie that into the Holy Ghost...talking about His role as the Comforter...hoping to solve her problem. I could see that I needed to change and teach something else and I immediately went into temples and eternal marriage. We had a really good lesson, and I felt that we were able to bear good testimony about temples and the work that is done there. Well, as we closed I told her that it was not our plan to teach about temples, but I felt that we needed to change and talk about them. Another member who is her soon to be sister-in-law commented that that was definitely revelation. She told us that Kaliyan and her fiancé had some miscommunication and some trouble and that the lesson on temples and eternal marriage was "amazing". She said that it even helped her as well as she needs to prepare for the temple. I think we had a great lesson, and I was happy to receive some revelation to teach according to her needs. 

More views from the road

Water Festival was not as big up here as it was in the city. They did not have the annual boat races because they are still mourning the King's death. Everyone still stopped working and went to a lot of parties though. A lot of people went back to their homelands or to the city to be with family and celebrate. 

Well I started to feel really sick on Wednesday morning, but it was mostly just a really bad headache. It was weird because it seemed like a really bad headache and then my head would just pound and get worse when I moved or tried to do anything else. Well, we were supposed to work on CBR's that afternoon, but quite honestly I could not. CBR's are the sheets we have for every member, but a lot of them are inaccurate or just not good at all so we tried to go and fix what we could and update what we could. 

Statue at the top of Phnom Sompoev

Because we were not in the city and could not participate in Sports Day our Zone was given permission on Wednesday afternoon/night to go back to Phnom Sompoev...the really cool place that we went to about a month ago. Well, I literally left like crap. I thought I was going to throw up, I was shaky and my head was about to explode. But I decided to be a trooper and go with everyone. Getting up the stairs on the mountain was kind of difficult, and I probably would have had a lot more fun if I was feeling good. Either way I took a few pictures, but mainly just felt sick. 

One of the coolest parts of Phnom Sompeov was the bats. At 6 o clock at the base of the mountain tens of thousands of bats just come pouring out of the caves to go out and feed. It was dark and I could not get any pictures, but you could see them all come out of the cave. It was like watching a river of black bats through the air and they would move and sway from side to side all together and then eventually break off from each other. It was so cool! Hard to describe, but there were so many bats and it kind of looked like a DNA strand as they all moved together from the cave. One more thing we have to see.

At the top of Phnom Sompeov feeling really sick. 

Well, Thursday I woke up and I just felt terrible. My head was going crazy; I had a fever; I felt nauseas; I was shaky, etc. Well, I called Sister Yeates and she decided to take me that morning to the hospital. I got to the hospital at probably 10. They took some blood to check for dengue fever or other things like that. Well, I had to wait 2 hours for the results so the doctor thought I should go up to a room and get an IV to get me hydrated and get some sugar in my blood because I could not and had not eaten anything that day. From my knowledge they only hooked me up with water and glucose, but quite honestly I do not know what happened for the next 2 hours. I vaguely remember the doctor coming in and telling me it was not dengue fever, but that it was influenza. Then I went back to sleep. Well, once my IV's were done the doctor told me to go home and they gave me some pills to kill the influenza virus. 

Well, Thursday I just went home and slept for the rest of the day. Friday I slept for part of the morning and then forced myself to go out after lunch to have a meeting about home teaching with the Elder’s quorum president. I had a mask on so that I would not get anyone sick. Well, we got a couple lessons in and then went home a bit early because I did not feel very good. 

 Cleaning day. That thing was at the back of our microwave. 

Saturday I had to teach everything that I had learned at Zone Council last week at our zone training meeting for 2 hours or so. It actually went really well, and I felt pretty good physically, but I still felt pretty weak and nauseas. The rest of the day was filled with meetings and with a couple lessons in the evening. Sunday was a good day. We had a good turn out at church, 178, and most of the recent converts were there. 

I feel much better health is back and I finished all of the pills that I had been previously taking 3 times a day. Still need to sleep it off, but now I will just watch it to make sure the symptoms don’t come back.

Elder Chan with a banana on his head. (Garrett provided no explanation beyond that for this photo.)

I was also able to baptize two of the sister’s investigators this last Saturday which was cool because one of them I actually contacted about 2 months back or so. That was a cool experience. The baptisms were not pretty. They would awkwardly start to go into the water and then I would just go for it and push the rest of their bodies down just to make sure they were under. Not the prettiest, but it worked. 

Elder Chan looking like a vampire/gangster. (Again, Garrett's caption)

We had a problem with the crazy family. Well, we went one last time to teach the wife and to prepare her to be interviewed the next day. Her husband was there and our member help, and I pretty much had him committed to really starting to learning with us and being baptized as a whole family next month. Well, our investigator, his wife, let out a retort about how she would be baptized before him and that she would not wait which just set him off, and he left telling us that she could not learn or get baptized and to never come again. Well, we told her that we would have to follow his word because we respect spouses. She told us she would still come to church, and quite honestly I knew she would. Well she did, and I really do not know what is going to happen with that family. Before I thought it was just the husband, but now I realize that the wife causes problems too. We need to help her, but right now I am not really sure what to do. We will see how it goes. 

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