Sunday, January 29, 2012

McKenzie is Transfered to Taichung!

I am writing you from Taichung; it is so weird.  On Sunday morning I got the call that I would be moving up to Nantun.  Leaving my area was exciting but also really sad.  It was just so sad to say goodbye to all the people I love so much.  Zhou Jiemie was super funny in Sunday school.  I asked her where I was going to see her in a year.  She thought for a second and then said, “The Celestial Kingdom.”  I sure hope we both don't die in a year.  I told her that I was going to see her in the temple. We both laughed.   


The saddest and hardest thing was saying goodbye to Jenny.  It was just so sad because I know that she is going to pass away, and she knows she is going to pass away.   

It was also really hard to say good bye to Fang and her kids.  They had a family obligation, so they weren't able to come to all of church, but they came for a few minutes.  We were able to say goodbye out in the hall.  Her sweet daughter started crying, and I started crying.  It was just such a tender moment.  Fang said that she will defiantly be getting baptized and that she was going to do all she could to bring the rest of her family into the gospel with her.  I love their family so much, and it was really sad to leave them. But I know they are going to be ok because they have the gospel.  

We have a new investigator recently named Lin Jiemie.  She showed up at the church the day I was on sister exchanges.  She is very funny, kind of difficult to teach, but really cute.  She has a Buddhist background and in almost everything she says she includes that she is Buddhist.  For example, she often says, "Well, I am Buddhist so I have a question."  She is interesting because although she is really concerned about Buddhism and how the Gospel will fit with Buddhism, she also loves the Gospel.  She doesn't really acknowledge it, but she comes to church and to everything we invite her to.  She reads as well.  She keeps trying to drop us, but we just kind of don't let her.  Of course we are respecting her agency, but she will say things like I am going to think about this for a while and then get back to you.  Then we will say, “Hey can we meet on Wednesday?”, and she is like, “Okay.”  It is interesting.  She has a long ways to go, but I really think she is progressing.  She just can't totally give up, and we aren't going to let her.

I am excited to be in my new area.  It is up by the mission office, and it is a really major city.  My new companion is Sister Lethco.  She seems really nice.  We have only been together for a couple of hours, but I am really excited.  I am so grateful to be able to do this work.  I love this people so much, and I just feel privileged every day to be able to work with them and to see the work of the Lord.  One of my favorite scriptures as of late is 2 Nephi 22: 2.

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