Saturday, October 1, 2011

Garrett in Cambodia

 I want to help people because I know the gospel has helped me a lot in my life. I want to help them qualify for blessings that the Lord wants to give them.  I read yesterday (and then shared with Elder Sok) about when Alma says to Korihor why would we work and labor so hard and receive no pay or worldly reward if we did not know that this is true and if we didn’t delight in the joy and salvation of our brethren.  (For more see  I know I messed that up, but it is very true.  I know this church is true, and I am only doing this to try and help people because I know it has helped me so much.  I really love reading the Book of Mormon every day.  I learn so much, and there is always something to learn or relearn from it.  Don't forget to read it every single night.  

Well, this past week has been pretty good.  We have a couple of new investigators we are really excited about – James and his mother.  I can't remember the mother’s name. (I don’t remember most of the names here).  James has been coming to English class every week and is a really quiet 12 year old.  He mentioned to Elder Sok last week that his mom is not a member (neither is he) but that she wants to learn about Christ.  Pretty awesome right?  So we went to their house and taught them the first few points of Lesson 1 (about how we are children of a loving Heavenly Father and about how God calls prophets to teach his word).  We are really excited about them and think that they can learn a lot from the gospel.  Unfortunately we have not been able to meet with them anymore because of Cambodian holidays.  

So, in Cambodia during this time of year (it has been going on for a couple weeks now), everyone, and I mean everyone, goes to their homelands, or Srok.  It is really hard because people are gone, and if they are here, they do not really want to learn about Christ.  It has made it difficult not only for this family but many of our investigators.  Phnom Penh has been pretty dead –not many people around.  Tons of shops/stands closed. It’s a little frustrating, but on Friday is supposedly ends.  But Elder Sok says they won't actually come back fully until Monday.  Oh well, we are still teaching, and there are still people here.   

Another investigator is Borey.  He is a cool guy - probably 45 or 50 and knows a ton about Jesus and God.  He has about 5 or 6 of the little pamphlets that we pass out.  We found him from a referral from the Vietnamese sisters.  We taught him about Joseph Smith and gave him a Book of Mormon.  He told us he wants to find out which church is true so that he can receive eternal life.  Pretty interesting that his desire and Joseph Smith's are pretty similar.  We will meet him today, and I hope he read and prayed about Joseph Smith.  Quick note about him – from what it looks like, he doesn't have a kneecap in the right place. It is because of a bomb that blew up near him and hurt his knee.  He can walk though; he just uses a really big stick.  He is a really interesting guy, and I hope we can continue to teach him.  

I have been contacting - not very well.  But it’s actually pretty fun.  Elder Sok told me he liked me the other day because I do not cry and because I am not afraid of talking and contacting.  I thought that was funny.  I hope I can continue to become better at being a missionary.

Mom, I have seen several BIG rats.  I saw a dead one on the side of the road near a river as we road to an investigator’s house.  It was seriously the size of a youth sized football.  I have come to realize that I don't like them.  There are many dead ones on the roads that people kill and throw them in the roads (because that is where most of the trash goes).  It is pretty funny to be riding along and then run over an 8 or 9 inch rat that is smushed into the pavement.  I thought you would like that.  

*Note: I’m changing all investigators’ names to preserve some privacy! 

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